Mayoflor. Flowers at home
Mayoflor. Flowers at home 0
Te quiero, Lo siento, Que te mejores, Te acompaño en el sentimiento, Te amo.........Todo esto y más se lo dices con las flores 

Bouquet of 12 Roses (stem of 50-60 cm.)
Give her this beautiful bouquet of 12 Roses of 50-60 cm. ready to be given away. Red or whatever color you want.
ramode12rosas-20190129 ramode12rosas-20190129 :ramode12rosas-20190129
Floristería Mayoflor: envío de flores a domicilio.

Three Roses and your Heart
3 roses in vase with heart ornaments ideal for the person you love so much. Gift for Valentine's Day
Ttresrosasytucorazon-20190219 Ttresrosasytucorazon-20190219 :Ttresrosasytucorazon-20190219
Floristería Mayoflor: envío de flores a domicilio.

1 rose
a rose says it all. to buy roses as gifts.
RO13079mfl RO13079mfl :RO13079mfl
Floristería Mayoflor: envío de flores a domicilio.

6 red roses
Beautiful bouquet of 6 roses 70 cm. Adorned with green. Bouquet.
Floristería Mayoflor: envío de flores a domicilio.
31.90€ 29.00€

12 Roses of long stem 70 cm. with Gift Chocolates.
12 Beautiful Roses detail long 70 cm. ready to give away To send home to whoever you want: your mother, your girlfriend, your partner
RO12RJBOM-20190129 RO12RJBOM-20190129 :RO12RJBOM-20190129
Floristería Mayoflor: envío de flores a domicilio.

The Bouquet of 10 Roses
Bouquet of 10 red roses or the color you want. The roses are Flowers to say that you love her and that you love her. If you give roses you give love.
elramode10rosas elramode10rosas :elramode10rosas
Floristería Mayoflor: envío de flores a domicilio.
41.90€ 38.00€

3 roses
red roses or any color you want to give away and send to your home. Roses are the most beautiful gift for that person you love.
RO31584mfl RO31584mfl :RO31584mfl
Floristería Mayoflor: envío de flores a domicilio.

Bouquet of 12 yellow roses short stem 50-60 cm.
Yellow roses are a symbol of friendship, so there are sure to be many friends to give them to. Giving roses is giving life away
12rosasamarillastallocorto 12rosasamarillastallocorto :12rosasamarillastallocorto
Floristería Mayoflor: envío de flores a domicilio.

Bouquet of 12 white roses short stem
white roses are the symbol of purity. Giving roses is giving life. Give away roses from
ramorosasblancastallocorto ramorosasblancastallocorto :ramorosasblancastallocorto
Floristería Mayoflor: envío de flores a domicilio.

12 Roses Pink short stem
Pink roses are so pretty. To send to your home wherever you want. Give her this surprise with roses from are the best and the hardest.
12rosasrosastallocorto 12rosasrosastallocorto :12rosasrosastallocorto
Floristería Mayoflor: envío de flores a domicilio.

Bouquet of 12 Yellow Roses long stem
the yellow roses have a very lunine color that for many is a symbol of friendship. Give friendship, give yellow roses, give
12rosasamarillas 12rosasamarillas :12rosasamarillas
Floristería Mayoflor: envío de flores a domicilio.

Bouquet of 12 white roses
Roses are the gift you like the most. With our roses we have a great care from the grower to the messenger who delivers them for those last longer
ramorosasblancas ramorosasblancas :ramorosasblancas
Floristería Mayoflor: envío de flores a domicilio.

Ver más

When we see someone walking down the street with a bouquet of roses, we wonder who they are giving them to or why, imagining a beautiful story behind something as simple as a bouquet. Within our imagination there is one thing we know for sure and that is that this person will love to receive them.
The bouquets of red roses have become the icon par excellence of love and passion and are represented throughout history as such Who has not seen a romantic film in which they are not present?
There is nothing better than giving your partner a bouquet of roses of this colour to show him/her everything you care about. There are dates for buying them, such as an anniversary or Valentine's Day, but there is a perfect day to send a bouquet of roses, when there is no specific date! There's nothing like showing your love for someone spontaneously, you should try it! 
You can include in your bouquet of roses another type of complement, such as wine or chocolates, to make it much more complete. We package it securely so that the delivery of bouquets of roses is always perfect.
The varied bouquets of roses are ideal to give to friends or family because they not only express the feelings of passion as in the things of red roses. As they are available in various colours, they are perfect for decorating, as they can be combined with any style of style, and you will find these bouquets of roses are the perfect choice! 
Do you want to make this gift so special? Just enter our extensive online catalogue, choose the one that suits your tastes or needs and tell us where you want to send your bouquet of roses. We prepare it with the best flowers, pack it and send it in such a way that it will arrive perfect - your trust comes first!
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