Este verano te llevamos tus regalos florales donde nos digas.
Mayoflor. Flowers at home
00,00 €    
Mayoflor. Flowers at home 00,00 €
Este verano te llevamos tus regalos florales donde nos digas.

Contact florists

You can contact the florists during business hours by phone at 902 37 00 47

If you prefer, you can call us at the Florists in Madrid on +34 91 431 06 42 or on our mobile phone +34 608 74 36 60

To contact with our Florists in Salamanca call us on +34 923 21 95 36 or on the shop's mobile phone +34 923 12 50 21
We also have the emergency phone number, if you need to send urgent flowers: +34 676 48 26 55

The following form gives you the opportunity to contact us, to send a suggestion, solve any doubt or make any request. Your shipment will be received by our Customer Service Department who will attend you in a personalized way. If you prefer you can contact us by phone: +34 91 4310642

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